Solar Storm Hits Earth, Results Auroras

NASA and the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center just revealed a solar storm has erupted from the sun as a powerful flare was formed from the surface. The flare reached it peaked around Tuesday...

Dwarf Planet Ceres Revealed by NASA in Video

A novel video clip based upon images taken by NASA of the small planet Ceres came on the scene recently. The surface is pockmarked. The video clip was taken from Dawn’s mapping orbit. The more...

NOAA DSCOVR Satellite Reaches Deep Space Orbit

More than 100 days after it launched, NOAA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite has reached its orbit position about one million miles from Earth.Once final instrument checks are...

NASA Messenger reveals that Mercury’s Magnetic Field is Billions of Years Old

Originally planned to orbit Mercury for one year, the Messenger mission exceeded NASA's exceptions. The spacecraft's mission latest for over four years acquiring extensive datasets with its seven...

Solar Flare to lash out due to Sun Storm

A sunspot burst out with incredible force on Wednesday leading to a lot of radioactive energy. And this punch from the sun’s direction is aimed right in earth’s direction. The charged particles...

Massive Solar Superstorm Narrowly Missed Blasting The Earth Back Into The Dark Ages

As we blithely went about our lives on July 23, 2012, we had no idea how close we were to a Revolution-esque technology blackout caused by a huge magnetic superstorm from the Sun. The freak space...

Planetary Resources will mine Asteroids with Arkyd-100 Series Spaceships

Planetary Resources, Inc. announced today its plan to mine Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) for raw materials, ranging from water to precious metals. Through the development of cost-effective exploration...

Planetary Resources Inc. Makes Live Launch Announcement at 10:30am PDT

Planetary Resources Inc. is revealing its Astroid mining plans today. Besides Director James Cameron, Planetary Resources Inc. is backed by Larry Page, Eric Schmidt and Charles Simonyi. ...