Five ways Android P changes how you will (or won’t) use your phone

Google has pulled a surprising switcheroo, designing Android P to help you reduce your smartphone usage, while also making it less irritating and more approachable. To pull that off, it added a big dose of artificial intelligence smarts, iPhone X-lik...

Firefox can block pesky site notification requests

Website push notifications can be helpful. The way you're asked to enable those notifications? Not so much -- the constant requests can drive you up the wall when you're just trying to check the latest news. Mozilla is coming to your rescue. Its...

Third-party Alexa skills can now use notifications

Your phone gets notifications, so why can't your smart speaker? Amazon is doing something about it.. and thankfully, it's not as bothersome as it could be. The company is trotting out a developer preview of notifications in Alexa skills. If you op...

Chrome OS will let you reply to messages from notifications

You've had the option to reply to message notifications on Android for years, so why can't you do that on your shiny new Chromebook? You can soon. Google has started implementing support for in-line replies to messages from notifications. Much as...