OpenGlass gives Google Glass real-time augmented reality (video)


To some, Google Glass is nothing more than a notification machine, but there are others who see Glass as an AR headset waiting to happen. OpenGlass is among those looking to give Glass augmented reality powers, and it's figured out how to implement simple AR in real-time. The trick was accomplished by sampling the imagery pulled in by the headset's camera and extracting the portion of that feed that corresponds to the size of Glass's display. That feed is then sent to an OpenGlass server that overlays digital annotations provided by another users onto the video feed to augment the wearer's reality.

There's a video after the break demoing the AR functionality, but it's rudimentary and laggy in its implementation. Essentially, the system serves as a telestrator that superimposes scribbles into your field of view. It's a good proof-of-concept to show that Glass can do real-time AR, but there's a lot of work to be done before Glass can become a fully-fledged augmented (or mediated) reality headset.

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Source: OpenGlass

OpenGlass uses Google Glass to identify objects for the visually impaired (video)

OpenGlass uses Google Glass to help visually impared identify their world video

Dapper Vision's OpenGlass project sees Google Glass' camera as useful for more than just hands-free pictures -- it's a tool for interpreting the world around us. To show that potential, the two-person group has tested two of its Glass apps with visually impaired wearers. The first, Question-Answer, lets the poor-sighted ask both Mechanical Turk and Twitter for help in identifying objects. Memento, in turn, automatically recites notes when the user looks at a recognizable scene; it can warn users about dangerous equipment, for example. Dapper Vision tells us that the OpenGlass apps will stay in limited testing until Google lets developers offer Glassware to the general public, but the company isn't sitting still in the meantime. It's devising a way to reward Question-Answer contributors with BitCoins, and it will demonstrate new Glass-based augmented reality software next week.

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Source: OpenGlass