That’s No Moon: Death Star Perplexus Maze

Now is your chance to take on the role of Luke and destroy the Death Star. You think it’s easy? You think it’s just going to take a couple squads of X-Wings to cover your butt while you shoot some torpedoes in the hole? It’s not going to be that simple this time.

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In this Perplexus Maze, you have to navigate the X-Wing, which in this case is a tiny metal ball, through tunnels and pathways until reaching the escape hatch to the glowing red core. This clear Death Star allows you to see every angle as you strive to blow this space station up.

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This puzzle lights up and has sound effects too. Once you get that X-Wing where it needs to go, you’ll hear Han in your head giving you a yahoo and telling you to it’s time to go home. You can grab one from Amazon for $40.

[via Gizmodo]