Balance Seesaw Ensures a Fair Ride for Kids, Big and Small

If you ever went riding on a seesaw when you were a kid, you know how unrewarding the experience could be if the kid on the other side weighed decidedly more or less than you. But thanks to the laws of physics, one designer has come up with a solution to this problem.

balance see saw

Industrial designer Honghai Yu’s Balance seesaw offers an adjustable seating design which fixes the balance problem by allowing the lighter of the two children to pull their seat out, and moving one child further away from the pivot point. The result – a smooth ride on the teeter-totter for all. It’s not clear, though how significantly the riders’ weights could differ for this to work before the length of the seat extension became impractical. I’m sure some of the physics geeks out there could help calculate that for us.

It’s an ingeniously simple solution to an age-old playground problem. There’s no word on if or when the Balance seesaw will show up in parks, but it did take home a 2012 iF concept design award.