Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition stays in the air longer, lands in the US this month

Parrot  ARDrone 20 Power Edition stays in air the longer, landing in the US this month

We'll say this about the AR.Drone's battery life up to now: it always seemed perfectly suited to our short attention spans. For those able to focus on flying objects a bit longer, however, there's the AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition. The quadricopter's already gotten some love abroad and is set to hit our shores this month, priced at $370 over at that fine purveyor of massage chairs, Brookstone. This time out, the limited edition phone-controlled device brings 36 minutes of flight time (not the first boost we've seen from the company), thanks to two 1,500mAh lithium-polymers. Also new are sets of color blades (including black for when you're feeling a bit stealthier).

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Source: Brookstone