The Case of the Hugo Awards, Worldcon, and a Litter of Unhappy Puppies

This year’s Hugo Awards ceremony at Worldcon in Seattle involved quite a bit of controversy. NPR reports that out of 85 works, 12 walked away with prizes. Why is that strange? Well, there’s a few...

You Will Love This: Puppytext Lets You Type in Puppy-Style

Puppytext Site

What’s not to like about puppies? They’re cute, they’re adorable, and most of all, they’re incredibly cuddly. You could probably even manage to cheer up even the moodiest of grouches by showing him an image or two of puppies in all their fuzzy splendor.

It really doesn’t come as much of a surprise, then, that puppies now have their own font. I’m not talking about paw prints or caricatures of puppies packed into a Wingdings font. Rather, I’m talking about Puppytext, which features photographs of a litter of puppies positioned into various letters and characters for your typing pleasure. It’s not an actual font file in the strict sense of the word, since you can get your fill of puppy-filled text by heading over to the Puppytext website or getting its iPhone app which is priced at $1.29.

Go on, try it out. I know you want to.

VIA [ Geekologie ]