Samsung Galaxy S6 to support Wireless Charging out of box

Samsung’s Galaxy S6 launch is just around the corner, as the most awaited smartphone will be unveiled on March 1st 2015 at unpack event in Barcelona Spain. Since the launch is near, a bunch of rumors...

Samsung to release a 3-Sided Display Galaxy Smatphone Next Month

Samsung has work cut out for them and they are once again trying to top Apple with the release of its new phones. Apple broke records with the sale of its iPhone 6 and 6+ last year.It seemed like...

Samsung Galaxy S6 to be showcased at CES 2015

A recent report claims that Samsung will be displaying its S6 smartphone at the CES 2015 but only to select partners and not consumers. The CES 2015 will be held in Las Vegas from the 6th of January....