LEGO Settlers of Catan: There’s Nothing Boring About This Board Game

If you are a board game fan, you will recognize what this is immediately, an amazing LEGO version of Settlers of Catan. If you don’t know what that is, you have been missing out on a fun board game.
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This Settlers of Catan board made entirely out of LEGO parts and that makes it pretty awesome. It is completely functional and was being shown off by creator Ryan H. at this year’s Brickworld convention. It features interlocking tiles and the tiles actually look like the different resources that they are supposed to represent. You can still put the roads and settlements on the board too.

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It might be hard to transport, but if you show up with this at your local game night, people are going to freak out. This must have taken him a lot of time to finish. Awesome work!

[via Brothers Brick via Geekosystem]