A Visual Comparison of Sci-Fi Spaceships

No, this is not an intergalactic traffic jam, although those look just like what you see here, just with a lot of honking and space rage. This is a size comparison chart of every Sci-Fi ship ever. Ok, maybe not every spaceship, but it does cover just about every ship anybody cared about.
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It was compiled by DeviantARTist Dirk Loechel. It must have taken him a long time, not to mention lots of research in a galaxy far far away. Let us know if you think he missed some. My eyes are just way too stunned looking at them all in one place.

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Looking at this massive fleet, you can’t help but feel like Doctor Who that one time when every alien from anywhere showed up in the skies above to arrest him. That’s a frak-load of ships!

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Check out the full Hi-Res versionĀ here.

[via Geekologie]