A Lean Mean Cleaning Machine

The vacuum cleaner made cleaning easier. It never made cleaning more efficient. In most parts of the world, the broom is still the most effective for cleaning one’s home. Its popularity stems from the fact that it’s light, easily maneuverable, adaptive and has a pretty far reach. Most vacuum cleaners are either small and portable or large and clunky. Not the Philips Broom, however. Designed by students at TU Delft in partnership with Philips, the Philips Vacuum Broom strikes the sweet spot, giving you the feeling of working with a broom combined with the technological prowess of a powerful vacuum cleaner. The solution is pretty much a single stick that houses the entire vacuum cleaning unit along with a battery, giving you complete mobility. The dust sack can be found right underneath the display, well within access, allowing you to empty and clean the vacuum broom out without hassle. Get this, the vacuum broom even comes with a detachable nozzle, allowing it to become a short, portable dust-buster style vacuum cleaner. How’s that for two birds with one stone!

Designers: Lorenz Bauer, Priska van Binsbergen, Tine Hoogterp, Renate Hulst, Debbie Rouw & Karthik Mahadevan.








