Clean up Your Cable Squid with Unlaces

OK, so the tangle of wires behind my desk is getting pretty ridiculous. Luckily, I’ve got it confined in a corner, so it’s not going to take over my place any time soon, but something like Unlace might just banish the cable squid to Davy Jones’ Locker forever.

unlace cable management

Unlaces are designed to manage your excess cable with ease. The colorful, rubbery, and twistable lace will allow you to neatly bundle  cords, cables, and any other loose ends. They are made out of reusable silicone material, and look like colorful shoelaces. Unlaces will be available in 5″ and 10″ varieties.

unlace cable management earphone

You’ll have to pledge $20(USD) on Kickstarter to get a set of four 5″ Unlaces. $33 buys you eight of the 5″, while $40 or more gets you as set of eight 10″ Unlaces. With $9,860 pledged of a $10,000-goal, and 25 days of funding left, the project will surely be fully funded.

unlace cable management power

[via Ubergizmo]