Truck-Shaped Media Player: Looks Like We’ve Got Us a Convoy

Growing up back in the 1970s, during the height of the C.B. radio craze, the U.S. had truly romanticized the life of the trucker. Between movies like Convoy and Smokey and the Bandit, kids were aspiring to take to the open road and drive an 18-wheeler. Or not. If you still long for the trucker lifestyle while you sit at your MacBook and sip lattes, then you might want to grab one of these.

truck media player

It’s a media player that’s shaped like the cab of a tiny truck – minus the cargo. I can only imagine a tiny little guy inside there, chatting away on his C.B. (or more likely inviting skanky hookers inside at every truckstop.) Other than its truck looks, this media player is nothing special. It’s can read microSD cards and USB flash drives, and plays MP3 and WMA files. It also has an FM radio built in, and a small speaker. But you’re not buying this thing for the technology, are you?

You can grab the Truck Media Player over at USBGeek for $27(USD). 10-4, good buddy?