Amazon Glacier: Super Slow Archiving Storage

If you’ve got massive amounts of historical data to backup and have had trouble finding a low cost storage solution, then you should check out Amazon Glacier.

amazon glacier storage vault

There are plenty of archiving services out there, but most of them will cost you a lot of money, compared to what Glacier is offering. Glacier’s data vault is a lot slower, but it will cost you just a penny per gig per month. This amounts to 10% of what Amazon charges for its S3 storage service. There are no setup fees, and Glacier can handle petabytes without any problems. However, the service is designed for data that is infrequently accessed and where retrieval times of several hours are acceptable. Accessing more than 5% of your data per month costs $0.05 per 1,000 requests. Requests take between three and five hours to process, and that’s before they’re ready to download.

It’s a safe way of backing up all your precious photos, music, and other stuff that’s vulnerable to a hack or data loss, which could be irreplaceable if not properly archived in redundant systems.