Wasabi & Beef Doritos From Frito-Lay Japan: Shut Up & Take My Money!

Wasabi & Beef Doritos From Frito-Lay Japan: Shut Up & Take My Money!Could new Wasabi & Beef Doritos be a snack fit for a king? Frito-Lay Japan hopes to drive the point home by dubbing these meaty dippers “Royal Rich Taste Tortilla Chips”. Ditch that turkey drumstick, Henry, there's a new aristocratic snack in town – for a limited time only.

Fleeceleeves Cuddle Your Coffee Cup The Eco-Friendly Way

Fleeceleeves Cuddle Your Coffee Cup The Eco-Friendly WayJava junkies feeling guilty about tossing out cardboard coffee cup sleeves after each use now have a fashionable, innovative, eco-friendly alternative: the Fleeceleeve! Available in a wide range of colors and patterns, these fleecy mug-huggers fit almost any cup and can be over and over again.