iPhone 5S Gold Shell Scratch Test with Knife Shown in Video

A new video leak shows a scratch test for iPhone 5S gold and it's a harsh one. Rumored gold iPhone 5S is not scratched with coin or key but with a sharp knife. Apple's rumored next-generation iPhone...

Apple’s Dev Portal is Back Online with Status Page

Apple Developer center goes live now after being hacked last week. But all the features are not working. The Cupertino has launched a an iCloud-like Status Page for its iOS and Mac developers to know...

Problem Posture? There’s an App for That!

I remember a stage in my life where almost everyone around me constantly berated me for my bad posture. However, I wouldn’t exactly call it ‘bad’ – more like ‘comfortable.’ If you’re encountering a similar problem with your own posture or with someone you know, then you’ll be happy to know that technology is making it easier to sit properly with LUMO.

lumo posture app

LUMO is basically a device that works with your smartphone to remind you to sit up straight and get rid of your slouch. The device itself is a small black contraption that you wear around your lower back, and vibrates whenever you’re getting a little too comfortable (read: slouchy) in your seat.


LUMO is meant to be worn on your lower back, where it does all the sensing and reminding.

It’s currently in production after a highly-successful Kickstarter campaign. No worries if you missed your chance to back the project, because you can now buy it off of their site for $149(USD).

[via Gizmag]

Grove SkateBacks: For iPhone Skatepunks

The last time we mentioned Grove, they had made a pretty cool iPhone case made from skateboard scraps. However, they were available as a limited edition, so there weren’t probably enough for everyone who wanted one, and they also cost more than $200. This time around, Grove has made these clever add-ons that customize the back of your iPhone, and made them accessible to all who want one.

grove skateback iphone back

Grove SkateBacks are fashioned from waste material that is created during the manufacture of skateboards. They are available in three colors schemes, vibrant, calm and the somewhat almost monochrome neutral. The backs attach to your iPhone thanks to a peel-and-stick 3M adhesive, which promises not to leave any residue when you remove it.

grove skateback iphone back detail

SkateBacks are handmade in Portland, Oregon, and are available directly through Grove for $49(USD). I think these are cool, but I’d love to see them release a full skateboard case that’s not just a limited edition like before.

grove skateback iphone back side

[via Uncrate]