Beyonce Not Begging Kim Kardashian for Pregnancy Advice

Kim Kardashian has been very open about her struggles to get pregnant the second time and it has been a huge drama of a sort since the couple announced wanting to have a second baby. Thrown in...

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Considering Surrogacy

Kim Kardashian delivered her and Kanye’s daughter North West 23 months ago, while Kim had called her time during pregnancy a horrible experience and one she wouldn’t want to do again, she wanted to...

Dancing Man Gets VIP Treatment in Hollywood

So four months ago, Liverpool local posted a video of himself dancing on You Tube. The video was met with a lot of bullying and criticism. He got discouraged but he bullying rallied up a whole lot of...

British Internet Trolling Stats Show Three A Day Prosecution Rate

Internet trolls may find harassment a more difficult task in Britain. According to Sky News and Channel 4 News, trolls face serious punishment for breaking the Communications Act 2003's Section 127,...