Doctor Who’s Cassandra Made with a Furby

Moisturize me. Moisturize me you fool. This version of Cassandra is extra horrifying thanks to the use of a Furby in it’s creation.

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This monstrosity is from Reddit user Curbob. I wasn’t sure that either of these things could be more evil, but combined they form a foe that would make the Doctor wet his trousers.

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First he had to skin the Furby and then he had to build a PVC frame to house the Furby behind Cassandra’s skin.

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After that it was just a matter of pulling the skin tight and perhaps moisturizing. It just needs lips.

[via Nerd Approved]

Doctor Who Cassandra Lasagna: The Last Living Pasta

Moisturize me! Moisturize me! Then experience my cheesy goodness. Lady Cassandra O’Brien.Δ17 always has problems. Like being the last living human, who is essentially a slab of skin kept alive by moisture. That was five billion years into the future. And now she has other problems. Like being a Lasagna.

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It seems like preserving herself took some very extreme measures and a hot oven. This delicious dish was made by Mike Daws and is a lasagna with red pepper lips and radish eyes. Now moisturize her you fool! Quickly!

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She probably should not have made herself look so delicious. She won’t be the last remaining human for long, looking like that. Oh so sexy. But that’s just my stomach talking.

[via Neatorama]