Sailor Moon Hamburger Has Pink Buns and Star Hashbrowns

It’s no surprise to see strange foods and themed eateries turn up in Japan. The latest is a Sailor Moon-themed pop-up café that will be opening in Tokyo for a limited time. The Chibiusa Café will be open from April 16 through June 19, and among the items on the menu for fans of the series is this wacky hamburger.

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Exactly what is in the burger we don’t know, but the image tells the tale. It appears to be a burger with pink bun, a beef patty, and slices of ham. It also has an egg on top and lettuce along with a little pot of veggies including a tiny pickle.

I really dig the star shaped hashbrowns that go with it. I know some people love it, but I’ve never understood the desire to put a fried egg on top of your burger – it seems gross to me. This Sailor Moon delicacy will set you back a bit over $14 – plus the plane fare to Tokyo.

[via Kotaku]