Star Wars R2-D2 Heart Crossbody Bag: Droid Chic

Do you heart R2-D2? Of course you do. He is the best droid ever. Much better than BB-8! We all love this little droid. Well, this R2-D2 Heart Crossbody Bag is the perfect accessory for anyone looking to show their love for the astromech droid.

It will hold all of your important items, while looking completely awesome. It’s made of faux leather and has an adjustable shoulder strap. It screams that you heart Artoo! It might even hold some stolen plans if you know what I mean. Sadly, it doesn’t come equipped with a hologram that you can share with an old hermit, but you can’t have everything. I heart you R2!

Best of all, you won’t have to hunt down a sandcrawler and bargain with any shifty jawas for this R2 unit. It’s just $49.99(USD) over at ThinkGeek.