Dark Knight Rises Trailer Recreated in LEGO

I can not wait until The Dark Knight Rises comes out. Batman Begins was amazing. The Dark Knight was completely insanely awesome. This new movie should be even better as Batman faces his ultimate foe, Bane. To tide you over until the latest Bat-flick arrives, check out this amazing LEGO version of The Dark Knight Rises trailer.

batman lego trailer
Thanks to ParanickFilmz, who have re-created the trailer in Lego, we get to see what it would look like in LEGO land.

The LEGO-fied version has all of the scenes from the original trailer, built with custom minifigs, bricks (and a few VFX tricks.)

The Dark Knight Rises was directed Christopher Nolan, co-written with his brother Jonathan Nolan, with a story by David S. Goyer. It will be a blast if the trailer is any indication. The Dark Knight Rises will be arriving on July of 2012. Will Bane break the bat? We will soon find out.

[via Kotaku]