The Starry Night at the Arcade: Pac Man Meets van Gogh

OK, I’ll admit it. I’m sort of obsessed with Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night. I just can’t get enough of the sweeping wind patterns that are prevalent in this piece of incredible art. This is one of the reasons why I’m always happy to find recreations, tributes, and reinterpretations of one of Van Gogh’s most beautiful pieces. Noah Gibbs, also known as ~SirNosh, is behind this amazing homage to The Starry Night.

starry night at the arcade noah gibbs

It depicts what would happen if van Gogh had a bad case of Pac-Man fever. The result of his homage is pretty cool, and I like all of the details he incorporated into it – especially the swirling ghost-clouds in the middle. This should definitely be made available as prints, laptop vinyl decals, and iPhone cases. I think he’d sell quite a few.

I just hope that Noah didn’t cut off his own ear to make this.

[via DeviantArt]