AT-AT Made from Huggies Diaper Boxes: The Empire is Super Absorbent

Being a man, I’ve never been a stay-at-home mom. I imagine it can get pretty crazy, and at times boring and lonely. When the kids aren’t screaming and pooping all over the place, you are still cleaning up after all of that screaming and pooping. It’s enough to drive you crazy. It’s probably good to have a hobby. Like say, building AT-ATs out of diaper boxes.

huggies at at
That’s what stay-at-home mom, Kelly did in her spare time. She had a ton of Huggies boxes just laying around so she just did her amazingly crafty thang and whipped up this AT-AT that is super absorbent and stronger than the other leading brands.

From the looks of this thing, Kelly is super talented. I don’t remember my mom ever doing anything cool like that. While Kelly was creating this, her kids were probably in the corner throwing a (Boba) Fit… I hear you groaning.

[via Obvious Winner]