Scary and Amazing Draugr Deathlord Cosplay

You may not be familiar with GeekGirlCon. It isn’t one of the biggest conventions, so that’s understandable. However, there are some amazing things happening there. Amazing and scary.

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Punished Props attended in full Draugr Deathlord attire from Skyrim. Just look at these pics. The detail on the armor is just stunning.

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If I saw these guys anywhere I would run away screaming and so would you. I have killed enough of these guys in the game, so I would immediately assume that they were there for some payback. Hence the running away like a little girl. I’m all tough when playing the game, but when these things enter real life, not so much. Man, these two look scary as hell.

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[via Kotaku via Fashionably Geek]