The Ejector Bed Is Guaranteed to Wake You up

I have a real problem with hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock and falling asleep again. The Ejector bed has no snooze button. When the alarm goes off, you are propelled through the air, so you’d better wake up.

ejector_bed_1zoom in

It doesn’t throw you super far. You aren’t going to be a pancake on the wall, but it does throw you out of bed. It was built by crazy inventor Colin Furze. When the alarm clock goes off, two flashing lights activate, as well as two fire alarms, a firework and two semi truck horns. If that doesn’t wake you, it then launches you out of bed. Not too far, unless you turn the pressure on the air tank up high enough – then it throws you a bit farther.

No snooze button needed here.

[via Laughing Squid via Geekologie]