Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise Flying Disc Defies Laws of Physics

Forget Frisbee. That is so last century. What you need in a flying disc is a starship. Like the U.S.S. Enterprise. That’s totally doable right? Hell yes. ThinkGeek has this Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise Flying Disc that is totally aerodynamic despite the Enterprise body and those nacelles being attached to the saucer section.

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Seemingly defying physics, you just throw the saucer section and the rest of the ship follows. Then your friend catches it. Sadly, it is not warp capable.

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Ok fine. April Fools! But you know, it wouldn’t take much to make this a reality. I hope you ThinkGeek guys are working on this one for real. Around the clock please. I would like a flying Klingon Bird of Prey that I can throw and simulate battles with.

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