Gaming company derides Microsoft Store: ‘We’ve made the princely sum of £52’ (update: retracted)

Gaming company derides Microsoft Store 'We've made the princely sum of 52'

UK gaming outfit Rubicon has castigated Microsoft after claiming a Windows RT port of its Great Big War Game made a meager £52 ($83) in its first week in the store. The company was particularly incensed at Redmond's lack of promotional features to help the title's visibility, claiming that "if you're familiar with (its) new store, this means our app is forever consigned to the garbage bin." The company added that the iOS, Android "and even RIM" stores have promoted the app, which it said was widely lauded, and felt that after investing £10,000 on the port, "we got spat on" by the software giant. The developer punctuated its blog statement by saying it won't work with Microsoft again, and "that store is going to look mighty bleak for a long time to come" if it doesn't change its policy. No doubt there's some sour grapes getting squeezed here, but it's fair to say that RT is much in need of some sweeter news.

Update: Having a good ol' moan sometimes does the trick. Rubicon has deleted its original blog post, saying that Microsoft has "graciously decided work with us to iron out the problems and get us past this incident."

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Via: Games Industry

Source: Rubicon Blog