Miniature Human Gummies: Now You Can Eat Yourself and Talk About It With a Straight Face

Human Gummy

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to eat yourself? Not eat in the other sense of the word, but, you know, eat as in put something in your mouth, before you chew and swallow? It sounds like a pretty gross thing to do, but it’s not, really, if you’re eating miniature gummy replicas of yourself.

Japan’s food innovators at FabCafe and White Day are now letting patrons and gummy lovers enjoy eating themselves by using 3D scanning technology. After they scan your entire body using a full-body scanner, a mold is created, which is then used to make your tiny, gelatinous counterparts.

But alas… It’s only available in Japan.

VIA [ Food Beast ]

7 Foot Long, 26 Pound Gummy Python

gummy snake 7 Foot Long, 26 Pound Gummy Python
Just in time for your post-Halloween candy withdrawal relief comes this monstrous 7 Foot Gummy Python. How much relief? Try 36,720 calories worth in it’s 84″ long x 8″ by 8″ sugary frame of sin. You ain’t getting this snake on a plane without paying a separate baggage fee because this “Party Python” is massive:
party python 7 Foot Long, 26 Pound Gummy Python
By the way, don’t ever use the pickup line “do you want to see my party python?”, even if you’re only talking about a gummy treat- trust me. You can get this big boy in either red cherry/blue raspberry or blue raspberry/green apple for the equally impressively large price of $149 (it’s 306 servings so on a per serving basis, that’s less than 50 cents… but yeah that’s an assload of servings). Gluten free! (via gluttoner)

buy now 7 Foot Long, 26 Pound Gummy Python

7 Foot Long, 26 Pound Gummy Python

Zombie Gummy Bears: Eat Their Brains Before They Eat Yours

Halloween may have already passed us by, but there’s never a bad good time for a zombie apocalypse. Though if we had to be attacked by the undead, I’d at least like them to be delicious gummy bear zombies.

zombie gummies 1

Ask, and ye shall receive. These creepy gummy zombies were made by photographer Tau Zero for a series of silly, yet haunting photos he put together this past Halloween.

zombie gummies 2

Personally, if I were being attacked by an army of zombie gummies, I’d just start picking them off and popping them in my mouth. Of course, that’s how the infection spreads.

And speaking about gummy bears, be sure to check out the amusing and addictive gummy bear photo group over on Flickr.

[via Ian Brooks]

Giant Glowing Gummy Skull

glowing gummy skull Giant Glowing Gummy Skull
Ooooh scary. Create your own Giant Glowing Gummy Skull with this kit. You’ll need to provide your own flashlight to place into the display to creep out your guests. The packaging is designed to hold the light. It makes a great centerpiece and then you can eat it. It’s about 5 pounds of cherry flavored gummy for your sugar fix. Gluten free.

buy now Giant Glowing Gummy Skull

Giant Glowing Gummy Skull