

Want to be energy efficient, but those doggone electricity meters look plain and simple hideous? Maybe you need a touch of adorbs. The Eco-Pop electricity meter comes to life in a beautiful way, showing you the wonderful side of the environment while you save it. A beautifully designed interface makes the reduction of electricity consumption an amazingly entertaining experience!

A great way to get kids to care for the environment!

Designer: Xindong Che (Jonathan)




Pocket Sized Greenhouse


Today’s the last day of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference that’s been going on since end November. World leaders are getting together and making sincere efforts at saving our planet. It only seems fitting that we here also do our part by promoting Nature and Green Design. The Lives-glass is a tiny little planet-saver. Made out of glass, this miniature planter irrigates itself through drip irrigation. It also creates a greenhouse environment for your small plant, making it the most utilitarian planter out there. Not just that, it looks like an adorable hourglass, a metaphorical way of telling us that time’s running out! Save our planet!

Designer: Xindong (Jonathan) Che



Wi-Fi…more like Sci-Fi


It’s only fitting that we wind up the year with truly deserving cherry-on-the-Yanko-cake designs! You know how there’s that one spot in the house where you need Wi-Fi the most, but you don’t get it? There’s nothing more frustrating than having Wi-Fi but not having Wi-Fi. What if you could carry your Wi-Fi with you wherever you went? Instant connectivity made portable. Sounds like something from the future? The Halo S Router looks like Google’s Onhub, but it does what no router has dared to do before. It conquers the problem of portability. The Router has detachable discs on the top that can be removed and carried and placed at various points of your house/studio/office/space. These discs act as wireless range boosters…or in short, where the disc goes, Wi-Fi goes. Orient as many as 3 discs around the weak spots of your home for full-fledged Wi-Fi connectivity. Until Li-Fi takes over!

Designer: Xindong (Jonathan) Che




