Reddit Alien Knight Statue Stops Reposters and Trolls Dead in His Path

If you follow Reddit with any regularity, you know their mascot is that little alien dude with the antenna sticking out of his head. Inspired by all of the traffic and support that Reddit has driven their way, the guys over at ThisIsWhyImBroke have made a very special life-size version of the mascot.

reddit alien knight statue

The statue was created by TomSpinaDesigns, and stands over 5-feet-tall. This particular Reddit Alien was modeled after the Knights of the /new, a group of Redditors who help separate the wheat from the chaff over on the popular social bookmarking site. The knight sports a special shield with a Reddit coat of arms, an arrow-shaped downvote sword, and an adjustable antenna.

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Statue designer Richard Riley posing with his creation

The statue was listed on ThisIsWhyImBroke for $7500(USD), but has since been sent to the Reddit offices as a gift. Wow. Nice present. Why doesn’t anyone ever send me something like this? I guess if I had over 37 billion pageviews last year, I’d have more fans.

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Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian posing with his new guardian

[Thanks for the tip, Adam!]

Pegasus Knight Armor Hoodie Offers Killer Looks with None of the Danger

Did you always want to be a knight back in medieval times? Well, it was probably pretty overrated, what with the plague, and constant risk of being skewered by your enemies on a daily basis. But now you can look like a medieval knight without any such challenges, and keep warm while doing it.

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This awesome handmade Pegasus Knight Armor Hoodie is made by South Korean textile artist Catherine Kim of I Am Knight. The unisex hoodie is made from durable Lycra, “tacter” and “thermo,” whatever those materials are. But does it really matter? It’s an armor hoodie – with Pegasus’ wings on the helmet.

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And if for some reason you don’t feel like wearing the whole thing, the wings, mask, and sleeves are removable - but why would you want to? Just check out those spiky laced vambrace sleeves. Nobody’s gonna mess with you while you walk through dark alleys wearing this thing.

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You can get your grubby little hands on the Pegasus Armor Hoodie over on Etsy for $348(USD) in S, M, L or XL sizes.

Armored Hoodie Offers No Protection, But I Don’t Care

We all would like to be a knight now and again. The problem is that knight armor is heavy. Most geeks don’t have the strength to pull it off. It’s expensive too. You can’t just have your local blacksmith make some for you these days. At least you can wear a cool hoodie that looks like armor.
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This amazing custom Grey Knight hoodie comes from Chadwick Dillon of Etsy shop SOFworks. It features a fully retractable face plate and visor hood, a fixed breast plate, spauldrons, and elbow couters. It even has reinforced stitching on all of the armored pieces for extra durability.

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Sadly you will have to wait to order one. The seller has been so flooded with interest in this piece that he had to close shop for a time. Just give him some time and he will make one for you as well. Best hoodie ever!

[via Obvious Winner]