Lynx A 3D point-and-shoot camera/tablet does motion capture and 3D modeling, we go hands-on

Lynx A 3D pointandshoot cameratablet does motion capture and 3D modeling, we go handson

Earlier this year, a group of enterprising students from the University of Texas unveiled the Lynx A 3D camera and asked for money to fund its construction on Kickstarter. Since then, they've soared past their funding goal of $50,000, and are getting ready to ship out their first set of cameras. Today at DEMO Mobile SF, we finally got to see a prototype unit for ourselves and watch it scan someone's head in real-time. For the uninitiated, the Lynx A is billed as a point-and-shoot 3D camera that uses Kinect-esque hardware to obtain depth mapping and imaging info from your surroundings. Using GPU computing power and some custom code, it turns that data into 3D scene and object models or motion capture, and it displays the finished models on its 14-inch screen a minute or two after it's finished recording -- all for $1,799.

The Lynx A we witnessed working in person today was a prototype unit, so fit and finish were far from being retail ready, as wide gaps and exposed screws abounded. Lynx assured us that the units going out to its backers will not only have a more polished appearance, but also be six times more accurate and 30 percent smaller due to newer hardware components. Despite the prototype's rough appearance, the modeling process went off without a hitch. It was able to scan 2/3 of a human head in about a minute and within a couple minutes more it was displaying a 3D model ready to be manipulated and printed out by a Replicator or a Form 1. Don't believe us? See for yourself in the video after the break.

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Lynx Laboratories prepping Kickstarter for all-in-one Kinect-like camera system

Lynx Laboratories prepping Kickstarter for allinone Kinectlike camera system

Texas-based start-up Lynx Laboratories has been teasing its creation, a 3D camera system for the better part of a month now. Now it's finally prepping to make a serious stab at a market that's still very much in its infancy. The device itself is essentially a giant display (14-inch to be specific) with a Kinect mounted on top. The cameras can be used to capture 3D models of environments such as rooms, but also people or individual objects. Those creations can be manipulated virtually or even printed out on a 3D printer, in case you prefer a more tactile interaction. The giant shooter slab is even capable of capturing motion and then turning it into an animation that can be used with a 3D model. So if you've ever wanted to animate an army of your clones doing the Thriller dance, now is your chance. We've embedded a few teaser clips after the break, but there should be plenty more detail coming on January 15th, which is when the company says it will launch its Kickstarter page.

Continue reading Lynx Laboratories prepping Kickstarter for all-in-one Kinect-like camera system

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