Dirds: Dog Heads, Bird Bodies

Dirds: Dog Heads, Bird Bodies

You remember Meowls, right? Cat head/owl body hybrid? Those were good times. Now there’s Dirds, dog heads/bird bodies and my god are they cute/creepy AF. I bet Mother Nature wishes she would have thought of it first! I mean, you come up with weird creatures like anteaters and capybaras and stuff, but you really dropped the […]

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We All Know Grumpy Cat… Now Meet Earl The Grumpy Puppy

We All Know Grumpy Cat... Now Meet Earl The Grumpy Puppy

You know that spot in your heart reserved for Tardar Sauce aka Grumpy Cat? Well make some room in there for a new internet pet with a ‘tude, because here comes Earl the Grumpy Puppy. Maybe it’s because dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend, but this little puppy’s angry mug is making me feel […]

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This Kitten With Eyebrows Is The Newest Internet Sensation

This Kitten With Eyebrows Is The Newest Internet Sensation

Meet Gary aka Concerned Kitten. He’s an eight week old kitty rocking a set of very worried eyebrows. G-D it, he’s a cutie. But so very concerned. Quick, someone reassure him! Before my heart melts completely, preferably. Gahhhh, too late. Goodbye cruel world!

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22 ‘Lost’ Jokes That Never Get Old

iPhone Case

One of the more influential shows of the last 10 years was Lost. Years after it’s run has ended, quotes, themes and obviously characters from the show are still firm in the minds of its fans, who aren’t planning on letting the hype die.

Where the Numbers Came From

Don’t Get on the Plane

Why Boone Died

Upper West Said

Using Food as a Joke

Desmond Tells a CSI Joke

Awesome Beard T-Shirt

Jacob’s Rules

Perfect iPhone Case

Youtube Rhyme

Ben is Funny

A Meta Joke

Not Penny’s Cake

Finding Nemo? No, Finding Walt

Smoke Monster Joke

Breaking Bad Mashup

Udders or Others?

Polar Bear Joke

Even in the WWE

Trustworthy Keamy

Hipster Faraday


Via: Buzzfeed

For a bit more on the hit show, check out these excellent Lost mosaic images.

13 Best Harry Potter Jokes & Memes

Lorde Voldermort

Harry Potter is never truly out of our lives. It’s been seven years since the final book; three years since the final film. But J.K. Rowling keeps it alive, and so do the fans with memes and jokes that never seem to grow old, among other ways making Harry Potter timeless.

So with Rowling pulling off a little treat, releasing a Harry Potter short in the form of a newspaper report by Rita Skeeter on the Quidditch World Cup, it’s a good opportunity to remind everyone just how good Harry Potter memes and puns can be.

Still, Always

A Dumble Door

The Best of the Many HP Name Puns

Seducing Malfoy


Things You’ll Find at Home

Snape’s on a Plane

Keepers Look Bad


Animagi Puns

Cedric, AKA Edward, on a Coffee Cup

Lorde Voldermort


A Joke for Adults & Kids


Sirius Burns Voldermort


The HP Condom


For more of some awesome Harry Potter stuff, check out these brilliant tattoos or these pillows that are simply impossible not to hug and make weird, fuzzy noises.


10 Worst Possible Game of Thrones Memes

Text Box Genius

At their best, memes are funny and sometimes thought provoking. At their worst, they look like someone took a picture and pinned on it a few words that don’t make sense, like this Game of Thrones collection.

Harry Potter & The Unsullied?!


TIL Harry Potter = Daenerys Targaryen.

I’m Confused


Well, he’s not a spider, but most people in Westeros use their sigils to describe themselves. So, you don’t actually have to be a Spider to be called one. This Crow – Jon Snow one works on the same defective logic:

Not True to his Word


A Scene I Can’t Erase From my Mind


As a book reader, I still don’t understand why they changed the scene between Jaime and Cersei in the sept to be a creepy rape one.

Grammar is Important to get a Message Across


It’s Khal Drogo, not Charl


Text Box Genius


Not anymore, btw.

Brains more important than anything


Zombies feel the same way.

The Khaleesi Friendzone

Poor Jorah…

For more of these (a bit too lewd for us), check out the new S@#$ Game of Thrones Memes page.

For some better ones, take a look at an older yet always fun to watch post about the best GOT memes we could find at the time.


How Facebook Memes Evolve And Spread

As a publisher, understanding the flow of information online is as important as a civil engineer understanding traffic congestion. Unfortunately, so much of what takes place online has been...

New Meme: 60-Year-Old Girl

New Meme: 60-Year-Old Girl
Redditor Beerdrummer posted a picture of Mrs. Beerdrummer taken when she was a kid. As you can see, she looks like a 60-year-old lady. And if you didn’t notice right off the bat, that’s okay: the entire internet did and they’ve already made it a popular meme. They’re calling her the 60-year-old Girl. I would’ve [...]
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