Nimuno Loops LEGO-compatible Tape Lets You Tape and Snap

I can’t believe that no one has thought of this before. This new invention claims it will transform “virtually any surface into a base for LEGO components.” You can build around corners, on curved surfaces, or even onto the sides of other brick-built creations.

The possibilities are endless. Nimuno Loops tape creates a building brick surface anywhere. Snip off as much tape as you need and apply it wherever. Then attach your LEGO, KRE-O, Mega Bloks, or other compatible bricks to the tape. It’s the only tape better than duct tape.

Put it on fridge, your car, make bracelets out of it, whatever you want. $11(USD) will get you two rolls of tape, measuring in at 6.5 ft total. Orders of 10 rolls or more qualify for further discounts, so order a ton and cover your walls with this stuff. The Indiegogo campaign has a month left to go, but is already on track to smash through its fundraising goal.

[via Nerd Approved]