Schwings Give Your Shoes Wings, But Not the Ability to Fly

I think people go through a phase in life where all they start wishing for the impossible. Like X-ray vision or an actual cloak that’ll make people invisible. Or maybe even a super power, like being able to read minds or fly.

It is with this premise that I introduce to you… Scwhings!

Shwings Shoe WingsIf you haven’t figured it out by now, Schwings is a mashed-up word for shoe wings. Now they won’t give anyone the ability to fly, nor will they make your shoes levitate or flit around your room once they’re fastened on.

However, they will dress up your kicks in a fancy and silly way. It might appeal to some, it might look ridiculous to others. If you belong to the first group of people, then you can head on over to Perpetual Kid to check them out, where they’re priced at $5.99 (USD) a pair.

[via 7Gadgets]