Credit Card Debt Eradication Tips

When you pass the limit on your credit card you know you are in for some trouble. But when credit card debt accumulates to the point where it becomes a nuisance, you just have to do something about...

Home Equity Loans and Their Ins and Outs

The recession that took place a few years ago almost put the kibosh on housing equity loans. But now with the economy recovering from the shock waves of that crisis, lending for residential purposes...

Student loans bill wants to help students refinance at a lower rate

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is pressing a new legislation that could help millions of people in the US struggling under student loan debit. The Federal Student Loan Refinancing Act would allow...

Best Credit Cards of 2014

A credit card is the intelligent way to handle your money matters. Rather than carrying a briefcase full of greenbacks, that make you look like a smuggler, it is a better idea to simply slip a credit...