Man of Surgery: Superman Fan Gets 19 Plastic Surgeries to Look Like Clark Kent

There are fans and then there are crazy people. We’ve all seen the insane women who get plastic surgery to look more like Barbie dolls and even anime girls, but check this guy out. He has 19 plastic surgeries to make himself look more like Superman.

superman fan

35-year-old Herbert Chaves, originally from the Philippines, has undergone numerous surgical procedures – all to look more like the Man of Steel. Chavez has been a fan since he was five years-old and has had nose jobs, jaw realignment, liposuction, pec implants and even skin lightening.

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The $7,000(USD) he spent on surgeries might seem like a bargain, but keep in mind that the average hourly wage in the Philippines works out to be about $1.50 here in the States.

He does look more like Superman/Clark Kent, but sadly, he looks closest to Brandon Routh, the worst Superman.

[via inquisitr]

Man Divorces Wife for Being Ugly, Judge Awards Him with Damages – Wait, What?

This is as bizarre as news can get. A man boy recently filed for divorce from his now ex-wife because he claimed she was ugly. I call him a ‘boy’ because really I don’t think any real man would do what he did. What ever happened to ’til death do us part’?

Apparently, everything began when Jian Feng’s daughter was born. In his own words, he described the baby as ‘incredibly ugly.’ He then proceeded to accuse his wife of cheating because the baby didn’t resemble either one of them.

Ugly WifeIt was at this time that his wife admitted to spending over a hundred grand on plastic surgery. She never told him about it though. This resulted with Mr. Feng filing for divorce since his wife ‘deceived him’ and convinced him to marry her ‘under false pretenses.’ What kind of love was it if it was only skin-deep anyway?

The judge agreed with him though and awarded him the damages. With all the advancements people are making with cosmetic surgery, these are pretty sad developments on both fronts: for the woman, who went to such lengths to look ‘pretty’ by social standards; and to Fend, who probably only wanted to marry her pretty face and nothing more.

[via Geekologie]