Audio pioneer Ray Dolby passes away

Audio pioneer Ray Dolby passes away

We've sad news to report today in the world of audio: Ray Dolby has passed on. His death comes relatively soon after losing both Dr. Fritz Sennheiser and Dr. Amar Bose, and as with those two gentlemen, Dolby's legacy will continue to impact viewers and listeners around the globe for many years to come. Dolby founded Dolby Laboratories in 1965, seeking to provide a place for like-minded engineers to "push the limits of sight and sound," as is stated on the outfit's homepage.

He is perhaps best known for the Dolby noise-reduction system, and in more modern times, for his company's iconic stamp on just about every major motion picture and piece of AV equipment known to man. Dolby's surround sound magic continues to lead the industry, with Dolby 3D and Dolby Atmos as its latest contributions. Ray Dolby was 80 years old, and is survived by his wife Dagmar as well as sons Tom and David. A tribute video compiled by Dolby Labs can be found after the break.

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Source: Dolby, Twitter (Dolby)

Man Divorces Wife for Being Ugly, Judge Awards Him with Damages – Wait, What?

This is as bizarre as news can get. A man boy recently filed for divorce from his now ex-wife because he claimed she was ugly. I call him a ‘boy’ because really I don’t think any real man would do what he did. What ever happened to ’til death do us part’?

Apparently, everything began when Jian Feng’s daughter was born. In his own words, he described the baby as ‘incredibly ugly.’ He then proceeded to accuse his wife of cheating because the baby didn’t resemble either one of them.

Ugly WifeIt was at this time that his wife admitted to spending over a hundred grand on plastic surgery. She never told him about it though. This resulted with Mr. Feng filing for divorce since his wife ‘deceived him’ and convinced him to marry her ‘under false pretenses.’ What kind of love was it if it was only skin-deep anyway?

The judge agreed with him though and awarded him the damages. With all the advancements people are making with cosmetic surgery, these are pretty sad developments on both fronts: for the woman, who went to such lengths to look ‘pretty’ by social standards; and to Fend, who probably only wanted to marry her pretty face and nothing more.

[via Geekologie]

Cold, Sad, and Lonely? The ‘Hug Me’ Jacket Would Be Ridiculously Perfect for You

Hug Me

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, especially when it comes to fashion. What might look ultra-cool to one person might look like crap to the other and vice versa. But with the exception of a handful. There are just some designs that are so ridiculous, that they’re almost good. Almost.

Kind of like designer Si Chan‘s ‘Hug Me’ jacket, which features a row of clasped hands down the front that will ‘hug’ you every time you put it on.  Chan explains that he designed the jacket to make the wearer feel ‘warm and hugged’, saying: “Everybody needs love, don’t they?” He also says that the hugging hands symbolize what humans use to ”express love” and “depart from loneliness.”

It’ll keep you warm, all right, but I doubt it’ll be able to make you feel loved at all. Chan has big plans for it too, as he plans to manufacture the jackets and then sell them for $1,200 each. (Now who would pay a thousand bucks for this? I wouldn’t even be willing to buy it for a hundred!)

Hit the jump for more images of the Hug Me jacket, including one where it’s being worn by the Hollow Man.

Hug Me

Hug Me

VIA [ Geekologie ]

Hoax Gone Bad: Man in Bigfoot Suit Gets Run Over

This story should serve as a warning to all the fun-loving pranksters out there. While I have nothing against pranks, I do think it’s not a very wise thing to take things too far.

Bigfoot Hoax

Image credit: U.S. Army Materiel Command; Associated Press

The image above is actually of a soldier in a Ghillie suit. While some think that the suits make people look like Bigfoot, I certainly don’t, but maybe that opinion might change when it’s dark out.

Anyway, a Montana jokester named Randy Lee Tenley donned a Ghillie suit recently so he can scare up some people by pretending to be Bigfoot. He allegedly darted out into the middle of the road (while roaring, I bet) – but his prank went horribly wrong when two cars hit him in the darkness of the night.

Montana Highway Patrol Lt. Col. Butch Huseby told the Los Angeles Times: “What we know so far is that we had a couple of guys out, allegedly trying to prompt a sighting of Bigfoot. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Really.”

The incident is still under investigation though. And while our sympathies go out to Tenley’s family, let’s hope future pranksters will take this as a warning sign and not take the jokes too far.

[via LA Times]