RISR: The App/Sensor That Reads Body Language for You

You’ve probably wanted at some point in time to be able to fully engage your date or a client. Here’s another tool to help you accomplish your goal. RISR is a “sensor web” that will help you get the most out of each conversation.

RISR sensor web mirror

RISR is a sensor web that connects to your cellphone and scans it for body language cues. I guess this kind of thing should be pretty useful for some sufferers of autism spectrum disorder, as some have trouble with this. RISR vibrates on your body, telling it how to move to ensure a maximal engagement. Most people do this subconsciously, mirroring the position of the people they talk to. If that all doesn’t make too much sense to you, watch the video below for a demo:

The firm behind RISR has just announced this tech, and they will also help you with consultations to get the most out of your RISR vest. It will be deployed this fall.

RISR ice broken

[via TechCrunch]