Messier 87 Galaxy has Swallowed another Galaxy

Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have discovered a gigantic galaxy phenomenon. New observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope have revealed that the giant elliptical galaxy...

NASA’s Hubble found a Nasty Star

Why would a star be nicknamed "Nasty"? Again the Hubble Space Telescope revealed something mankind did not see before. Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have observed a fast aging star...

The Farthest Galaxy Discovered

Yale University and the University of California-Santa Cruz announced that an international team of astronomers led by the universities discovered an exceptionally luminous galaxy more than 13...

New Most Distant Galaxy of the Universe is Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a new most distant galaxy yet called z8_GND_5296. This new galaxy is located at a distance of 30 billion light-years. Hubble Space Telescope is used to discover this new...