854 Ultra-Dark Galaxies Discovered In The Coma Cluster

A group of scientists from Stony Brook University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan have spotted some 854 very dark galaxies in the ambit of the Coma Hub. A special telescope was...

The Farthest Galaxy Discovered

Yale University and the University of California-Santa Cruz announced that an international team of astronomers led by the universities discovered an exceptionally luminous galaxy more than 13...

Dark Matter is Not a Mirror Universe

Scientists and astrophysicists have discovered that over 90% of matter is dark matter in the universe. This mysterious substance or rather anti-substance plays a crucial role when galaxies crash into...

Discovery of Supermassive Black Hole 12 Billion Times Bigger than Sun challenges Physics

While the black hole recently discovered is not the most humongous, it is still pretty big by normal standards. And it is relatively nascent in its inception. About 875 million years after the start...

Astronomer Confirms Cold River Of Hydrogen Flowing Into Galaxy’s Hungry Maw

There are many more things in outer space that humans can’t see than those they can detect and one phenomenon that has been impossible to find until now is the stream of hydrogen that feeds galaxies...

The Universe’s Star ‘Baby Boom’ Ended Five Billion Years Ago

The Universe’s star-making boom period is already over, according to a new study, which suggests that the rate of star-formation in the Universe is around a hundred times lower than it was five...

New Most Distant Galaxy of the Universe is Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a new most distant galaxy yet called z8_GND_5296. This new galaxy is located at a distance of 30 billion light-years. Hubble Space Telescope is used to discover this new...