Spider-Man Ping-Pong Table: Spins a Net, Any Size

Peter Parker Plays Ping-Pong Professionally. Try saying that 10 times fast. If you love the Marvel superhero and are excited for the new movie, you might want to check out this Limited Edition Spider-Man ping-pong table. It was custom made for the SAEF 1st Annual “Ignite the Mind” by Eleven Ravens.
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Are your Spidey-senses tingling? Can you picture you and Mary Jane playing long heated games after you create the center net out of webbing? Or maybe you are more the Dr. Octopus type, preferring to stand on the side and play both ends of the table by yourself.

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There’s no price listed on the company’s website, but you know that it will cost a small fortune. Clearly, this is designed for a serious Spider-Man and ping-pong fan with some money burning a hole in their Spidey-suit.

[via Obvious Winner]