Dark Knight Utility Belt Replica: for 34″ Waist Superheroes Only

I have seen all the Batman movies back to the Tim Burton era, but I don’t ever remember his utility belt being brown. I always remember it being black, but perhaps I am remembering wrong. No matter what color it is this DC Comics official Dark Knight utility belt replica is awesome.

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The buckle looks black, but is an antiqued gold. It has eight durable faux leather vinyl pouches with snap closures to hold all your Batgear. It also includes a display mount to show it off. The seatbelt-style buckle on the belt actually works so some buyers could actually wear it. I say some because the belt is made for a size 34 waist with no adjustments. Also, would you wear a $300 belt?

Grab the Dark Knight utility belt replica at ThinkGeek.