Junk technology: Why your penis pedometer is DOA

If all you want for Christmas is a penis pedometer, get ready to be disappointed.NSFW Warning: This story may contain links to and descriptions or images of explicit sexual acts.

Hello Touch Wearable Vibrator: Getting Intimate, Cyborg-Style

If you are cool with electronic gadgets in the bedroom, then this could be  for you. Jimmy Jane’s Hello Touch fingertip vibrator is supposed to be like a pleasure Power Glove.

hello touch fingertip vibrator

This fingertip device is said to offer three times the vibration, while taking up less than one third of the space of other such gadgets. This device has no extra bulk, making it less clumsy and more usable in the bedroom.

hello touch fingertip vibrator device

You can get the Hello Touch fingertip vibrator from Jimmy Jane for $65(USD). Just one question: Will it be like making love to a cyborg?

[via Uncrate]

This Mouse Doubles As A Vibration Device (wink wink)

It’s nice when products are able to do more than one thing. We usually call that convergence and it sort of makes sense, like when your phone also browses the Interwebs. That makes sense. Or if your printer can also scan; that too makes sense. We’re not so sure about the Massager Mouse. Officially, it’s a computer mouse that offers up to 10 vibration levels and 2 vibration patterns and is meant to “relieve stress”. But, uh, it’s being displayed at EroFrame 2012 which happens to be a sex show. So when the product description includes “ambidextrous design” as a feature, we know what they’re hoping you’ll do with it. Even its shape and the use of a mood-setting LED is clearly designed with one thing in mind, and we don’t really believe that it’s stress relief. Although, really, stress would be relieved as a side-effect, we suppose.

All this being said, if we ever see that thing on anyone’s desk, you can be sure we won’t touch it with a 10 ft pole. There’s no price or availability information but we hear it’ll also be at CES, so we’ll try to update you on that when we go.

[ Product Page (down at the moment) ] VIA [ Geekosystem ]