Wicket Ewok Purse

ewok purse Wicket Ewok Purse
Wicket is everyone’s favorite Ewok (right? are there even any other named ones?) Well it’s definitely Cat Penfold’s. When Cat saw this plain black purse, she instantly thought- I’ll make this into an Ewok Purse. And that’s why she’s cooler than me (also because she did this Jabba purse too). Here’s the backside:
wicket purse back Wicket Ewok Purse
I guess Ewoks don’t have much back. Anywho, it’s hand painted with flexible acrylic paint and sealed with an UV- protective gloss, so whether you’re in the clubs of Austin (whattup Austin!) or the jungles of Endor, this leather Prague purse will hold your crap like a little furry beast man.

Wicket Ewok Purse

Star Wars Chewbacca, Wicket, and Wampa Laplander Hats

laplander star wars hats Star Wars Chewbacca, Wicket, and Wampa Laplander Hats
The Force is strong with these Star Wars laplander hats, arriving just in time for Summer (unless you’re one of this site’s many wonderful Southern Hemisphere readers, in which case- perfect timing). Each plush hat has ear flaps to keep you nice and warm during those cold Hoth Winters. Comes in three of the most awesome characters in the Star Wars universe- Chewy, Wicket the Ewok, and my favorite- the Wampa. Rest assured that no actual Wampas (Wampum? lol) were hurt in the making of these hats.

buy now Star Wars Chewbacca, Wicket, and Wampa Laplander Hats

Star Wars Chewbacca, Wicket, and Wampa Laplander Hats