Ubisoft Announces Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

Ubisoft, the French video game developer and publisher, unveiled the latest addition to its popular Assassin’s Creed game franchise. Dubbed Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the new instalment brings...

Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Coming this Fall

The Holiday shopping season will be dominated by all things Star Wars. The new episode VII will be in movie theaters in December. Disney is not only bringing Star Wars to the big screen again, but...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 launches November 6

Over the weekend the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 trailer got released and immediately went viral with over 4.2 million views. Call of Duty: Black Ops III will arrive Friday, November 6. Black Ops...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Trailer Released

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is a dark, gritty future where a new breed of Black Ops soldier emerges and the lines are blurred between our own humanity and the cutting-edge military robotics that define...

Spider-Man Animated by LEGO Directors coming in 2018

Sony pictures are in development to make a new animated version of the Spider-Man films. The Spider-Man franchise will be returning to its animated roots and but the film will be independent from the...

Halo: Spartan Strike Now Available for Windows 8, iOS and Steam

Microsoft is always trying to improve support for its Halo franchise. It always looks beyond genres and beyond platforms. Now it is increasing support for the Halo: Spartan Strike game and it will be...

Grand Theft Auto V released on PC Today

Grand Theft Auto V was released today for PC. The game has been on the market since last fall for video game consoles. The best-selling open world game is available at retail stores and via digital...

Lego Dimensions takes on Skylanders this Fall

Lego Dimensions is poised to be the hottest Holiday Toy 2015. Lego is going up against the video game and physical toy franchises from Activision, Nintendo and Disney with Lego Dimension.Warner Bros...

GTA V gameplay trailer for PC runs at 60 fps

The latest trailer of the most popular gameplay GTA V shows exactly how the game is going to look on your computers, provided that you have the right computers which can handle the capacity. The game...

$1 Million Call of Duty World Champions Kicks Off Today

The third annual Call of Duty Championship takes place this weekend in Los Angeles. It is the biggest eSports first person action tournament of the year.Beginning today through Sunday, 32 of the most...