iOS 7 app update roundup: it’s a flat, flat, flat world

Even if you don't feel like coughing up the cash for either the iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s, those eligible for an update (that's if you own an iPhone 4 or up, or an iPad 2 onward) can at least console themselves with iOS 7, which debuts today. Gone is the skeuomorphic design of the Forstall era, and in its place is a flatter interface that promises an entirely new experience for iOS devotees. As such, developers everywhere have been scrambling to get their apps redesigned to match the new mobile OS out of Cupertino. While we can't possibly cover every update, we've compiled a quick list after the break of the more substantial app revamps that have come our way.

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Source: Evernote, Flipboard, Foursquare, Shazam, Vimeo, Mailbox, Twitter, OpenTable, Simplenote,

Yahoo’s redesigned Weather app reaches Android

Yahoo's redesigned Weather app reaches Android

Yahoo showed that forecasts could be beautiful when it launched a redesigned Yahoo Weather app for iOS users in April; now, it's bringing those good looks to Android users. The updated Yahoo Weather client includes virtually the same stylized interface and location-sensitive Flickr photo backdrops as the iOS version. The improved functionality carries over as well, including longer-term forecasts and more detailed condition reporting, although Android users also get a new lock screen widget as a bonus. If your existing weather software is just a tad too boring, you can get Yahoo's new app today through Google Play.

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Via: The Verge

Source: Google Play, Yahoo (Tumblr)