R2-D2 Hip Flask: Don’t Drink and Droid

R2-D2 is one versatile maintenance droid. He can hack security systems, distract stormtroopers, project holographic messages from princesses in need, and even navigate swamps. But did you know he also serves booze?

r2 d2 flask

This R2-D2 hip flask is perfect for concealing your Coruscant coolers, Bantha-blood fizz or Kashyyyk ale inside your coat pocket. And yes, those are all actual (imaginary) drinks from the Star Wars universe. But if you don’t have ready access to any of those exotic artisinal ingredients, it’s also great for stashing your Jack Daniels or Mad Dog too.

The flask sells for $16.99(USD) over at Your Flask’s Etsy shop. I don’t know why, but I always figured C-3PO for more of a boozehound than R2.