Higher Ed Tenured Women Face Difficulties in Pay, Representation Gap

Being a professor seems like a fun gig, right? Imagine the chance to teach students without parents involved, cushy jobs, the chance to research while doing the minimal work, and suddenly turning...

Publisher Mary Liebert of Transgender Health Thanks Caitlyn Jenner

Launching in Fall 2015, Transgender Health will be an open access, peer-reviewed journal covering health and healthcare for the communities. Published by Mary Ann Liebert, she hopes a collection of...

There’s an iPhone App for LGBTQ health says PRIDE researchers

The PRIDE Study is looking to take on the long-term effects of health within the LGBTQ community. And it's available on an iPhone app. Working the University of California San Francisco, the goal is...

Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi Celebrate Gay Marriage Ruling

Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi are well-known individuals in their own right. And they will arrive in convertibles along the thoroughfare that is Fifth Avenue in the Gay Pride March that will occur on...

iPhone App to Aid Largest LGBT Health Study

The times sure are changing (for better or for worse) so we might as well get used to change being the law of life. And everything changes except change which is a constant.With transgender celebs...

Iggy Azalea Cancels Pittsburgh LGBT Pride Performance due to Allegations of Homophobia

The Delta Foundation faced criticism after choosing Azalea to headline the celebration of their event. Iggy admitted on social media that she made certain statements which might have offended the...