Game of Thrones Still Waiting for a Worthy Video Game

Iron from Ice

First there was the book series ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ which still hasn’t been completed. That was followed by the HBO show, ‘Game of Thrones’. That success spawned into everything, including the world of video games, which comes naturally with this kind of fantasy setting.

But crossing over from one medium to the other doesn’t always work. The TV show has been a huge success and although it has been drifting more and more from the story told in the books (and is soon going to pass it and move into uncharted territory because of the sixth installment, ‘The Winds of Winter’, not coming out any time soon), it probably does the best job possible of translating such a massive fictional world from page to the camera.

The video game world? It still hasn’t handled this epic fantasy series very well. Why? Maybe because of the limitations in terms of storytelling. We still don’t have the full story, and there has always been the issue of the games not revealing what still hasn’t been shown on the show, which up until now, was behind the book material.

The first video game to come out was ‘A Game of Thrones: Genesis’, a RTS (Real-Time strategy) that was pretty much a depiction of great events in the history of Westeros leading up to Robert taking the Iron Throne and the beginning of the show more or less. It also had a skirmish mode that allowed a battle for power among the great houses of Westeros. The game was poorly received (around 50-55% in most reviews) and didn’t offer a very appealing draw to play it again after the first run through.

Cyanide, making the first game, came out with an RPG (Role Playing Game) of Game of Thrones that depicted two fictional characters caught up in the occurrences in Westeros in the time frame the first season encompasses. The story wasn’t bad, but the game mechanics and especially the fighting seemed to be quite inferior to other similar games around at the time. The reviews once again gave it a 50-60% rating, more or less.

‘Game of Thrones Ascent’ is a freemium social networking game which isn’t exactly gaming, but it did fill in a couple of hours for those who can’t get enough of the series. The game combines storytelling and strategy elements, allowing players to lead the life of a nobleman during the time of upheaval portrayed in the novels and the TV series. Nice when you’re bored on Facebook, but not what we were waiting for.

Personally, after playing ‘The Walking Dead’ and especially ‘The Wolf Among Us’, I thought Telltale games were going to make it right. But their Game of Thrones effort, which is now two episodes into the story, disappoints in a few ways. The story is fine (House Forrester with its fall and (???) rise), but the graphics seem rushed, as if their attempt to go in a different direction than their usual animation went wrong in some way. Maybe there was a deadline they had to meet. Anyway, something about the final result on the screen feels amateurish.

It’s 2015, and Game of Thrones will soon be on our TV screens again for 10 episodes, this time with the fifth season. The sixth novel will be coming out in 2016, by the way, and it seems to a disappointment for everyone who expected to read it before watching the fifht season. And a video game, one that’s actually good (Like ‘Shadow of Mordor’ for LOTR)? No word on that. Maybe the MMO ‘Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms” will be able to fix this impression, although it does seem the efforts to actually make it have been abandoned.

Maybe waiting for the series to end at some point will be the best thing for everyone.

Best ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel Ideas for TV or Film

Robert on Pyke

The Game of Thrones TV show is part of the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ Universe, although differing from it in more than one way. However, as good as it is, it can’t go on forever. The books will end as well at some point. Yet the fans want to see more.

There’s plenty of history to this world or universe created by George R.R. Martin. Just like ‘The Lord of the Rings’, there’s a lot more to this than just the “main quest”. Spin-offs and prequels can be made a’plenty, and there are quite a few ideas that can generate huge hits in both the movie theaters or on TV screens.

Robert’s Rebellion

Art by Lensar

The books and the TV show begin 15 years after Robert usurped the Iron Throne from the last Targaryen. The events of his rebellion which took place over several years and split the kingdom into loyalists and rebels are constantly referred to in both mediums, obviously described in more detail in the books.

Beginning with Rhaegar abducting Lyanna Stark (or was it in consent???) and ending with Robert sitting on the Iron Throne through dubious means, there’s plenty of action and underlying themes to the whole epic event, which can be extended by going a few years into the future when Ned & Robert quelled the rebellion of the Greyjoys.

Dunk & Egg

Art by toniet1234

The story of Dunk & Egg is spread out over several novellas, not all of them released. It tells of a squire who finds himself without a knight who meets up with boy who turns out to be a Targaryen prince, Aegon. Together they travel Westeros. We know how it ends for both of them (not well), but what happens until that tragic ending is fantastic to read, plus it gives everyone an excellent sense of Westeros before the days of Robert’s Rebellion. The first story begins 90 years before the moment the show picks up ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and each Novella (there have been three so far) would make for a perfect 3-episode mini series or long film.

The Princess and the Queen

The Princess and the Queen is a Novella that covers most of the events of the Dance of the Dragons. No, this isn’t the name of the fifth novel in the series, but referring to a war between brother and sister, Aegon II Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen, which tore the kingdom apart and killed most of the dragons before they completely disappeared.

The novella covers two of the two and half years that this civil war (occurring 160 years before the beginning of the show), and it’s hard to see it happening on HBO because of the huge CGI budget needed for the dragons, who feature in almost every battle.

But if there’s an action film to be made out of the stories in this universe that involves both armies battling and dragons going head to head, nothing beats this event.

Blackfyre Rebellion

Every event gets the chains moving to set up another big one. After the Dance of Dragons was over, another Civil War had to happen. It occurred more than 60 years later, but in ‘The World of Ice and Fire’, a book about the incomplete history of the ASOIAF universe, it’s evident that it all stems from there.

In short, it’s another succession battle between Targaryens, this time a legitimate son and a legitimized bastard which ones again pulls the Seven Kingdoms into turmoil. There are hardly any mentions to this one in the show but the books and especially the Novellas, happening shortly after the conclusion of the rebellion (the first of them) touch upon it a lot more.

Because of the scope and span, this could be made into a series, even more than one season. It can span the years leading up to the Rebellion, or connect with a Dunk & Egg show that comes after. It’s probably too big for just one film to cover. It doesn’t have dragons (all dead by now) so HBO can produce it.

History of Tywin Lannister


Art by RedSaucers

One man looms larger than life and that is Tywin Lannister. If you’re following the show, you know he dies an awfully terrible one (not that there’s a good death in Game of Thrones or in life) but probably the most powerful man in the kingdom without actually being king, his life and rise to power, which includes lifting his house to the top of the Westerosi food chain could make for an excellent series which includes action and politics, beginning with him taking the place of his dead father and bringing back honor to his house, his way of dealing with rebellious lords and his disgusting part (allegedly) in Robert’s rebellion.

If you want your Christams to be all about ‘Game of Thrones’ check out these brilliant decorations. If you’re more of a gadget person, then these are for you.


28 Behind the Scenes Photos of the 5th Game of Thrones Season

A dwarf in hiding

So what do we have this season? A lot of Dorne, as Jaime (unlike the books) gets sent down South. This means more Martells and the Sand Snakes. There will be Tyrion somewhere after escaping King’s Landing, Arya going to Braavos, Jon Snow on the Wall and a lot more to be revealed.

These are the new characters: New actors for the fifth season include:

Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell, the ruling Prince of Dorne, and elder brother of the deceased Oberyn Martell.
Toby Sebastian as Trystane Martell, the son of Doran Martell.
Nell Tiger Free as Myrcella Baratheon, Cersei’s daughter. The role was portrayed by Aimee Richardson in the first two seasons.
Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand, the eldest of the “Sand Snakes”, the bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell.
Jessica Henwick as Nymeria Sand, the second-eldest Sand Snake.
Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand, another Sand Snake and the daughter of Ellaria Sand.
DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah, the captain of the Dornish palace guard.
Jonathan Pryce as The High Sparrow, the leader of the militant faithful in King’s Landing.
Hannah Waddingham as Septa Unella, a member of the “Most Devout”, the ruling council of the Faith of the Seven.
Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan, a Yunkish nobleman and slave trader.
Michael Condron as Bowen Marsh, First Steward of the Night’s Watch.
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Malko. Few details have been released about the character, although he is not based on a character from the novels.

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15 Best Quotes From ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’

Ned Stark

While the filming of the fifth Game of Thrones season continues, someone is also working on the sixth book, although he’s taking an awfully long time doing so.

George R.R. Martin has created one heck of an epic Fantasy saga, and just like any other memorable series, the number of quotes that linger on forever make a great job of defining i just how good it is.

If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. (Ned Stark)

Art by Brokensicario

You know nothing, Jon Snow (Ygritte)

Art by hodryronja

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. (Jojen Reed)

Art by skansen

Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you. (Tyrion Lannister)


Art by fresco-child

Egg, I dreamed that I was old. (Aemon Targaryen)

Art by zippo514

Sing, little bird. Sing for your little life. (Sandor Clegane)

Art by kyla79

Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died. (Jorah Mormont)

Art by freestarisis

In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining. (Brienne of Tarth)

Art by Enife

There are no men like me. There’s only me. (Jaime Lannister)

Art by Noiry

A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid. (Tyrion Lannister)


Art by frogbillgo

Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. (Syrio & Arya Stark)

Art by NewMilky

On the Wall, a man gets only what he earns. You’re no ranger, Jon, only a green boy with the smell of summer still on you. (Benjen Stark)

Art by tamiart

There are old sellswords and bold sellswords but there are no old, bold sellswords. (Brown Ben Plumm)

Art by Pojypojy

Wear it quietly, or I’ll honour you again. (Robert Baratheon)


Art by DubuGomdori

Don’t make me rue the day I raped your mother. (Roose Bolton)


Art by dejan-delic

For a bit more on epic quotes, check out this list of 15 quotes every geek should know, or focus on Star Wars and it’s top 11.

Game of Thrones – Now There’s a Wine

Westeros Wine

The attempt to squeeze every bit of dollar available from the phenomenon known as ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ or ‘Game of Thrones’ has reached the wine section of your kitchen, with Common Ventures coming out with a line called ‘Wines of Westeros’.

Anyone who has read the books known George RR Martin loves his food descriptions. Part of what makes the story so great are the details he goes into in giving us a full, breathing, believable (as far as fantasy worlds go) universe.

Part of that is giving us a whole lot of different wines from different parts of his universe: Arbor Gold, Dornish Reds, Sweet plum wine, Sweet Reds from the Reach, Apricot wine, Golden vintage from the Jade sea and more. 

The real ‘Westerosi’ wines will retail at around $20, and will probably be set to launch when Season Five premiere’s, which will be about 10 months from now.

There’s also a method to the names: The red wines are all associated with the houses that are head strong and robust. The whites on the other hand are more cunning, perceptive and mysterious, according to Jane Burshop of Common Ventures.

For more on the food of ASOIAF, take a look at the finest receipes from the Game of Thrones cookbook, Inn at the crossroads.

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5 Game of Thrones Characters Like They Were in a Disney Movie

Daenerys Targaryen

The Fantasy world of Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire, in the books and the TV Show, is a grim and unhappy place most of the time. Giving it the Disney touch suddenly has everyone smiling and happy.

Daenerys Targaryen


I don’t remember Daenerys Targaryen ever having a red dragon, nor has any one of those three been so chummy and smiling, even with their “mother”.

Tyrion Lannister


Few characters are as R-Rated as Tyrio at his absolute best, but even lecherous drunks can become PG-13 with the right artistic touch.

Cersei Lannister


Disney films has had plenty of bad bitches and scummy men featuring in them. I’m not sure Cersei would even be the worst of them.

Bran Stark & Hodor


It’s mostly grey, cold and grim as Bran and Hodor make their way up north. In a Disney film, not so much.

Jon Snow & Ghost


Ghost tears the spine out of people’s throats and Jon Snow rarely smile. Life is different in a Disney movie.

Art by Anderson Mahanski, a Brazilian animator, illustrator and aspiring writer who has worked for Disney and Mercury Filmworks and Nando Mendonça, also an animator and illustrator, as well as a theater actor and voice actor based in Rio de Janeiro.

For some more Game of Thrones stuff, check out these incredible pieces of fan art which we find the best ever made about the series.

15 Best Game of Thrones Fan Artworks Ever Made

The Iron Throne

For those who have read the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ books or have watched ‘Game of Thrones’ episodes (doing both is the best), you’ll know that there’s life before and after experiencing them. The art inspired by this incredible piece of fantasy is just as good.

Aegon the Conqueror & Balerion the Dread


Art by RobotDelEspacio.

Bran Falling


Art by Pojypojy.

Arya & Jon Snow Torn Apart


Art by inma.

The Tower of Joy


Art by mrgotland

Tearing Westeros Apart


Art by NadiavanderDonk.

Daenerys & Her Dragons


Art by tobzart

A Little bit of Robb/Greywind Comedy


Art by flavianos.

Sandor (The Hound) in a Creepy Moment With Sansa Stark


Art by tangerineismine

The Three Eyed Crow


Art by BrianJMurphy.

Rhaegar Targaryen Running Off with Lyanna Stark


Art by rubendevela

Lady Stoneheart After Some Hangings


Art by martinacecilia.

The Iron Throne


Art by MarcSimonetti.

Jon Snow Meets Giants


Art by Bakirasan

Asha (In the books) / Yara (In the TV show) Greyjoy


Art by Bakirasan

Wildlings Beyond the Wall


Art by Skworus.

For more awesome Game of Thrones stuff, check out when it invades the Mushroom kingdom.