‘Call of Duty: Warzone’ gets 15 million players in four days

Call of Duty: Warzone's take on battle royale is continuing to grow quickly in its honeymoon phase. The developers have revealed that over 15 million people had tried the free-to-play mode as of March 13th. That's more than double the 6 million who...

Co-head of ‘Call of Duty’ studio Treyarch leaves after 13 years

It's the end of an era if you're a Call of Duty fan. Jason Blundell, the co-head of series studio Treyarch, has left the company after 13 years. There wasn't a reason given for the exit, but the tone on both sides suggests he wasn't kicked out. He...

Rumors resurface about ‘Diablo’ and ‘Overwatch’ animated series

Rumors of a Diablo anime and Overwatch cartoon have been floating around for a while now. Uber Gizmo reported on a potential Diablo series back in 2018, while Activision Blizzard director Jeff Kaplan gave an interview last year where he touched on hi...

Activision Blizzard pulls its games from GeForce Now

GeForce Now, NVIDIA's game streaming service, went live for everyone last week. It allows you to play hundreds of games from dozens of publishers in the cloud, but Activision Blizzard's titles are no longer among the options after the publisher asked...

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’ prepares for its first battle pass

Now that Call of Duty is officially in the post-loot box era, Activision and Infinity Ward have revealed what "season one" in Modern Warfare will bring players. As it's moved to a Battle Pass system, mimicking Fortnite and other shooters, developers...

The first season of Call of Duty League begins January 24th

Activision Blizzard's bid at an Overwatch-style, city-based Call of Duty esports competition is relatively close to getting underway. The publisher has announced that the first season of the Call of Duty League will get started on the weekend of Jan...

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’ devs will fix frequent Xbox One X crashes

The reborn Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is off to a rough start if you're an Xbox One X owner. Infinity Ward has identified a problem that leads to frequent crashing for some owners of Microsoft's higher-end console, in some cases rendering the game...

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’ swaps loot boxes for a battle pass

Activision has confirmed its post-launch plans for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and they're generous to say the least. All future maps and new modes will be released for free, there won't be any loot boxes or a season pass, and the game will feature...